At Heronsgate School, we intend for pupils to develop a love of maths, enjoy the excitement, and challenge that problem solving brings. We use a maths mastery approach to deliver active and involving teaching that promotes curiosity, creativity, resilience and growth mind set. All learning is put into real life context, where possible, to help children understand the role of maths in the world around them and encourage them to become lifelong learners with a passion for mathematics.
Policy 2023-24
We believe that all pupils at Heronsgate will:
- Be empowered mathematicians with enquiring minds and are always eager for a challenge.
- Be proficient in the 4 operations and achieve fluency of key facts.
- Develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics and be able to reason and problem solve in different mathematical contexts.
Heronsgate School empowers learners through each classroom being resourced with materials to support the delivery of maths; such items might include number lines, counters, multiplication tables, 100 squares, 2D and 3D shapes, multilink cubes, dice and other smaller items. Children are encouraged to use resources available to them in the classroom, which they feel would be beneficial to help them when completing maths work. In the classroom, children have access to a maths Working Wall showing; key vocabulary, 100 square, number line, what is currently being taught, examples of learning.
At Heronsgate School, we teach maths using the CPA approach: concrete, pictorial, abstract. This will allow the children to experience the physical aspects of maths, using resources, before finding a way to present their findings and understandings in a visual form and then moving onto a more formal written calculation. To ensure children are fluent in their mental maths strategies and recall of key facts, each lesson begins with a mental starter, such as ‘Fluent in Five’, or a reasoning challenge where the focus is on verbally explaining their subject knowledge and understanding. This is consolidated at home through the use of TTRockstars and SumDog as well as written maths homework to consolidate learning.
Maths Open Morning 2023-24
A copy of the resources used at our Maths Open Morning are available to download here: workshop for parents
Curriculum overview:
Useful links: