Our School Council

We believe in independent and passionate members of the school community. The school council allows children to express and develop their own opinions but also consider the impact their thoughts and actions may have on others. This allows the children to foster respect for those with differing views than their own. It also allows them to have a direct and tangible impact on the school and their peers. In time, this allows children to appreciate how our democracy works and functions in modern Britain.


Mission Statement 2022-23

School Council - Charter and Policy 2022-23


Aims and Objectives

  • An opportunity to work together for the benefit of others
  • To develop self-confidence
  • To understand how they can contribute to society
  • To develop their speaking and listening skills
  • To understand that they have the right to an opinion and to be heard
  • To be involved in decision making within the community
  • To reinforce our PSHE curriculum so that children develop important life-skills. These include: positive mental health and social welfare-emotional literacy, critical and moral reasoning, self-esteem, self-awareness, communication skills, relationship skills and assertiveness.

Our School Council

Each year, two representatives from each class are elected to the role. The children meet weekly, led by Year 6 children, who take the lead in organising and recording the meetings. With the help of Mr. Rowlands, the children share their thoughts and ideas in a safe and positive environment. Events organised by the School Council include: charity events, clubs, selecting playground equipment, taking part in menu tasting from our school dinner provider and maintaining the link between their class peers and the teaching faculty.

Future Projects:

We have lots of projects this term. Here are just a few:

  • Banded Book ordering – selecting the books they want to see in the banded book scheme
  • Fundraising ideas – Food Bank and Poppy Appeal
  • Pupil voice- our school.
  • Feedback to SLT on improving playtime